Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thankful Thursdays

I am a HUGE fan of real mail... Packages and notes are the BEST...
When I saw this lil Thankful idea, I knew it was just the thing I wanted to do...

Join me in this adventure each Thursday
and let someone know you are thankful for them!


Sandra said...

I really like the card you mailed to your grandma! I do wish my hand writing was as cute as yours!

Laura said...

What a great way to post your "thankful"... very personal.

grey rose (they/them) said...

really creative! thanks for sharing!
{love your blog banner!}

Amy R. said...

Great idea! I will join along in your adventure!

Lindsey said...

Very Cute!

Anonymous said...

SO happy you are a part of this!!!

Elise said...


Melinda said...

I agree. I am totally a fan of 'real' mail. Or snail mail as some call it. I get such joy out of looking in my mail box and finding a letter, card, or package from a friend...:)

Anonymous said...

I too love "real - snail Mail"
Thanks for sharing :_)

Brian + Cheryl B. said...

I too absolutely LOVE getting something personal via 'snail mail'!!!
I might yet send out cards to friends stating I'm thankful for them.
For now, in the "I'm Thankful for:" dept., I'm doing our Thankful for Challenge.