Monday, April 20, 2009

Joyfullness kinda Day!

I made a comment about this birdie art made by Joyfullness. And do you know, Joy sent me an email asking for my address... Look what came in the mail!!

Can you believe she wrapped it in FABRIC and a beautiful bow!
Included a WONDERFULLY sweet hand written note {love her handwriting}!

...and created this masterpiece!!
Raise your hand if you think Joy needs to add these to her shop!


  1. Oh, that is adorable!!! You lucky ducky {I mean chicky}

  2. That is so adorable!! I wish I was crafty and could make sweet little things like that!!

  3. Oh how cute is that! Yep another add in her shop I say. I have one of her garlands I won back last October...matter a fact it was my first win in blog land and I had so many compliments about it. It was a pom pom garland...simple and cute and so many loved it when they saw it on my entertainment cabinet.
    Yep, her handwriting is beautiful!

  4. DEFINATELY!!!!- So cute!!! (consider this my "hand" raised really high:)!)

  5. Yay for happy mail! especially from are one lucky girl!

    JOY - add them to your shop! pretty please! :)

  6. That is absolutely adorable!! How sweet!

  7. I love it and mine as well!! We are some lucky chickies!!

  8. What a sweet gift and an even sweeter friend!

  9. How stinkin cute! What a blessing to have a friend like that

  10. Oh..I...LOVE..IT!
    I am raising my hand..very..HIGH!
    What a sweet treasure! Julie

  11. she was right on the money calling you and Elise "birds of a feather" ~ everytime we started taling about an idea, she'd say "jen...." LOL Hopefull you can fly over the the East Coast for a vacation and I can come crash on you and Elise for a couple of days!
