Monday, April 13, 2009

More Happiness from Lori!

WoW, box TWO and THREE from Lori came on Saturday...
Yes, you read right the girl sent me 3 boxes for a MINI swap!
I feel so completely blessed... She even includes handwritten cards!
More birdie napkins, to complete my set of 7!

Look at this black G {love the font}

She makes wooden blocks in her etsy shop, mine are reversible,
one side says NEST, the other says HOME...

A family bird plaque, it's my favorite shade of green

Which by the way, did you all notice the new green walls??
Yep that was last weekends project!!

Then a huge ball of YUM... Joy made Lori one, and Lori made one for me!!
This ball of happiness is bigger than my HEAD, no joke! LOVE it!

Don't you all wish you had Lori as your partner?? Thank you so much Lori...
You're the BEST!


  1. I have wood paneling in my house too, we painted it almost the exact color of green!
    I love it!
    Plus, I loooove the "G" she sent you, absolutely beautiful!

  2. I have had Lori for a swap partner and she IS just the best...She puts so much love into everything she sends.
    P.S. Love the green walls


  3. Oh yes she did spoil you! She is another talented creator in blogland. So many wonderful ladies who have so much talent. I just wish I had lots of money to buy all the goodies in and around here. Enjoy all the goodness Lori has sent you. Love the color of your walls.

    Never had her as a partner but maybe one day I might luck up.

  4. Definitely! She is a great partner. Love the bird picture and it looks great on your green walls. Have a great week! Jackie

  5. WOW!!! MORE amazing goodies!- LOVE the "fluff" ball...and the "G"...and the blocks...and EVERYTHING!!!! :)
    Sweet Lori! :)

  6. Jen- It makes me so happy that you love everything! You, my dear, were an amazing partner and I am so glad that we are friends!:) Lori

  7. Oh my goodness, you got some great stuff!! Love the bird plaque, looks great on your new, awesome green walls!! Love those too, by the way!!

  8. Great stuff! I love all the stuff you made for Lori too.

  9. Wow - what cute things!!! I love that ball of hapiness. So cool!


  10. Lori is the best! I'm glad she was your partner she was blessed to have you.


  11. Hello! I just found your page vie Kelli at no place like home. LOVE your page!! I love the green walls. They look really pretty. I LOVE the fluff ball!!!! I would love to know how to make one. Blessings! Jerelene
