Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Forever Fabric Flowers {Roses} ♥

Friday night Em and I got together with our twin sewing machines
{sort of a play date}

We ate these...
and made these.
Wanna know why I called the "Forever Flowers"
Because from 7 to 11 Em and I each had ONE flower done as in complete...
Granted we did all of the cutting and sewing for the remaining, assembly line style, but I definitely have an appreciation for SnowyBliss for giving a DOZEN away... WoW.
...also Forever because obviously this bouquet will indeed last forever...


  1. Sounds like a fun night! I love love love that orange and white flower!

  2. Those are so cute! I would like to make some, but maybe I changed my mind if YOU think they are hard to do!

  3. Awww, playdates for your sewing machines, I love it! Those flowers are beautiful!!

  4. Those are so cute!! I especially love that green and white fabric. Well, I like them ALL...just never have seen the green and white print before.
    I do actually still want to try some of these.

  5. Well done! I love them!
    I'm sorry they took you so long! The first couple took me a bit of time. But now I've got it down to a science. I do everything in steps. I cut all the fabric for all the flowers, then I go through each step with all of them. (so I'm not just making one at a time). I also am able to fly through a couple of the steps (I've left one cut out and scalloped strip to always use as a pattern. I also have gotten to the point I can wrap them on the stick super quick). I hope it didn't discourage you! They look fantastic! :)

  6. Looks like y'all had a great time! I have a sewing machine just like yours. The flowers are so cute!

  7. It WAS fun despite the hours it took to do ONE - and the cupcake... delish... and the GLEE... and the "when the coffin lid closes on you and you open your eyes, what are you thinking" - I had a VERY fun night and would do it all over again... even for ONE flower :) I have 7 done now, then I'll post mine... I LOVE how the orange polka dot one turned out of yours!
