Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Few Good Men

A mother's joy...

This young man was woke up Monday morning at 5:00 am by 10 classmates, barging in his room with bull horns, silly string, whipped cream, and confetti to announce he made Home Coming Court!


This young man is a speedy cross country runner
leading his freshman team!

Go Johnny Go...

...and this young man is handsome police cadet!

Officer Matthew


  1. Oh Jenny Sweetie...
    What handsome young men you have. Congrats to Chris for making Court, that is quite an honor for a freshman. I know you are so proud.

    Officer Matthew looks so dapper in his uniform. I know you are so proud.

    Beautiful share this morning. Hope you have a beautiful Thursday.

    Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  2. Awww...I know you're a proud Momma!! They are all so handsome, though, at first I didn't recognize
    Juanothan. Gotta stop calling him that now that Juan was on the Bachelor Pad. Ugh...
    You'll have to take LOTS of pics of homecoming.

  3. Oh mamma, I do so understand your feelings. Just saw my last baby off to College! Looks like you have an awesome young man there.

  4. Awww, how cute are you! I love proud Mama hearts relishing in our 'babies' accomplishments!

  5. I simply cannot believe how time flies! You are truly a blessed mother Jenny! You and Spike have wonderful boys (young men).

  6. What a great family you have! I really love your blog.

  7. I feel horrible that I have not viewed your blog since my birthday... yikes! I cannot wait until school is over (for good) and my routines of bloggy love, crafting, chatting and shopping with my best pal can return.

    Now about the boys... You DO have 5 very handsome {super smart} boys(men). You should be very very proud!
