Friday, November 5, 2010

Random Happiness around the House


  1. Looks like someone loves Pier 1 as much as I do!! :)

  2. Love those measuring cups too! and that pennant banner!
    Happy Friday!

  3. Happy indeed!! Love that tub o' ribbon!! The measuring cups and pennant banner are fab, too, as is the squirrel I don't have. ;)

  4. How cute! I love it all. And if you are ever willing to sell that divine metal tub your ribbon is in, feel free to name your price and e-mail me. Really.

  5. I'm happy you got some fall stuff out ;) Love all your happy things!

  6. So Jen, you like the author Richard Paul Evans huh? I shall have to make a note of his name and check him out (if this vertigo ever goes away that is! 8-/)

    I got a chuckle out of the (they look like) metal women figurines(?) doing a "woman's work". CUTE!!!

    Sorry, but I was surprised by the beautiful silver servers. I wouldn't have labeled them as a "Lipstick Jen" thing ...

    The wood door looks like a well used one!!

    Almost every time I see something with acorn patterns, I think of you ;-)
