Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Story of Us... My Fairy Tale part 2

I loved going to school every day, we would pass notes in between class {I have EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM still}… I would be surprised by GIANT, I’m talking poster board folded in half handmade greeting cards, secretly placed on my desk waiting for me when I arrived to class. My doorbell would ring and a teddy bear would be delivered, or a pair of awesome all black Reebok hi tops, remember the Free Style two Velcro strips at the top of the tie?... One of my all time favorite gifts, a HUGE bag filled with all MY favorites, O’Boise potato chips, Clearly Canadian, candy, gum, etc… I still have that bag, empty bottle, and wrappers…

The summer of 1989 was so wonderful, he graduated and turned 18, spent every waking moment with my family, my sister thought he was awesome, my parents loved and adored him, he was one of the family, in fact I do believe my parents referred to him as the son they never had… He was at all of our family functions and such a part of our lives.
I often spoke of how much I wanted to marry this boy… I knew in my heart of hearts we were meant to be together forever… He was my soul mate, love at first site, heck I had love at first thought…

The summer of 1990 my parents, told me to sit down they wanted to give me an early birthday gift… Now my birthday is in November, so though we are a family who ALWAYS gives EARLY gifts, I thought this is really early…
My dad and mom had made a framed plaque decorated sort of “weddingish” you know the little favor rings, doves, and lace… inside this frame was a letter to me and my boy saying they would allow for us to marry, yes they were agreeing that when I turned 16 years old they would sign for me to marry. It was and to this day has been the GREATEST birthday gift ever… The reason I got it soooo early, my parents know me well and I planned a November 10 wedding just ONE day after I turned 16.

Note: Picture above is getting THIS very gift..


  1. Lovin' reading your story, Jen...Happy {almost} Anniversary, BUT for today...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

  2. Oh my goodness!!! You got married at 16?!? That's incredible!!! What an amazing story you two have!!! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Oh, Lilly noticed your daggers, I mean, finger nails, and wondered if they were press ons?? Hahaha!!

  4. Wow...this is almost unbelievable. I don't know many true love stories like this. He must have been a pretty incredible guy. There's no way I would have done that with any of my daughter's boyfriends! Can't wait to hear more.
    Can't believe you have those wrappers still!! :)

  5. Happy Birthday, Sweets! I am LOVING reading your love story! Hope your day is wonderful! Lori

  6. Wow! What a story!! And is it your birthday? (Elise blabbed lol) Happy birthday!!

  7. Have enjoyed reading your fairytale! I can't believe you married at 16 but it is amazing in this day and time you are still married...that just shows true love exist and lot of work has been in your marriage. Congrats on this beautiful journey you have been blessed with and wish you many more years.

    Happy Birthday, also! I knew i was in the same month as mine but not sure what day. Have a great day! Yep, Elise blurted it out...such a sweet friend you have!

  8. what a great story, i'm anxious to hear more! happy birthday!

  9. Oh My gosh Jenny! I never knew you guys married when you were 16! That is quite a love story! Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!

  10. Happy Birthday,friend!! Love reading "your story" eventhough I knew parts of it...I still like reading all the wonderful God-filled details. OH! I cannot believe how much Chris looks like his teen-age dad!!!!!
    Love you girl!

  11. Fun Times... thank you for being such a wonderful wife~ Happy Birthday

  12. Jenny, This is such an unbelievable and precious love story. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  13. holy smokes jenny!! you guys are like the greatest living love story. to be married so you and still so in love! amazing!! can't wait to read more.

  14. What a fun story! I did not know you married so young! Happy Birthday to you! Hope it was a specially special day. (I was wondering about your nails too :)

  15. Congratulations on your Anniversary!
