Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Neck is HAPPY ♥

My sister can crochet and she made me a
BEAUTIFUL cowl thanks to this pattern...
I ♥ it very much Becky...
Thank you

* Please forgive the blurry pic, it's from my phone...


  1. Yeah! I just ordered the pattern. I have been making plain cowls and needed a change in my pattern to motivate me to learn to crochet better.
    Thanks for sharing. I like how yours turned out.

  2. I LOVE this! It looks so good on you.

  3. Jen- You look amazing- even in blur.:) Your sister did an amazing job on the crochet, too! Lori

  4. Jen ..you look oooh lala!! They should really call that accessory something else...like an ooohlala!

    I hope my post preggy body turns into yours...you so pretty!!

  5. I love cowls. That pattern is especially pretty and feminine. It looks great on you.


  6. I love this! Wish I knew how to crochet. They had an idea to cut old acrylic sweater up to make "neverending" scarves. The same as the lovely cowl you are wearing, except mine frayed and doesn't look so nice! :)

  7. my neck needs a cowel! this is a great idea.

  8. It looks so cute on you! I love it. I have a green one I did a trade for and it's one of my fav pieces evah!

  9. It looks great!! And I think I need that pattern. And how much do I love another crocheting Becky? :)
