Wednesday, February 2, 2011

You melt my ♥ School Class Valentines

So I went looking for silicone heart molds to melt crayons in... I found silicone ice cube trays in the $2.50 section at Target...
Those will work right...
Um I can't recommend it, although I made it work...
Who knew silicone ice cube trays would melt {you all probably did}...
Anyway I used our broken crayons, I dislike broken crayons and broke them into smaller pieces to fit in the ice cube trays, popped them in the oven at 350 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes. I actually just watched them until they melted... Then let cool.

Notice the MELTED heart tray...
On card stock I printed our Valentine's message.
Used a dot of Aleene's tacky glue to attach the heart...

They turned out pretty cute, although I am sure REAL oven safe silicone
would have been a better choice...


  1. What a cute idea! Makes me wanna go find some molds today! Have a wonderful day!

  2. I have a few of those molds but mine are the oven safe one. I would have thought the ones you used would be oven safe also...just makes since to me.

    Anyway, they turned out so cute!

  3. Wow! You are a crafty rock star, a creative genius! I LOVE this idea!!

  4. That was a reaaly unique idea...melted ice cube tray or not!! :)

  5. Aww - what a great idea! You are soooo creative! :)

  6. My target also had the muffin pans in hearts. I bought them in winter patterns at Christmas. It's fun to make the crayon cookies.

  7. what a wonderful idea!! Going to go look for those molds tomorrow.

  8. Hi Jen :-) Live and learn, eh? I'm glad 'nobody got hurt during the making of this project' ;-)

    How thick did the melted crayon hearts turn out being?

    I enjoy seeing where all your creativity takes you!!

  9. I did this for my son who is in preschool and the kids and parents loved it. However instead of melting the crayons in the oven I used an old saucepan and carefully poured in molds like the one you used. Before they cooled I put a length of yarn to make it a necklace with a paper tag that said "You color my World". If you work from light colors to dark you can layer the colors in the mold. If you put a bunch of colors to melt together in the saucepan you will get "mud" color. Have fun!

  10. I just bought the same ice cube trays from Target for this project and then got home and realized I probably shouldn't put them in the oven. I wonder if using a lower oven temp would have kept them from melting (Martha's site says to use tin trays at 150 degrees?), or maybe doing this in the microwave would work?

    Thanks for sharing! Then look great!

  11. So, you did this a little while ago. But, I have done this before with silicone. If you put it in the oven at 200 instead, it should hold up for you. It may take a little longer but the tray won't melt for you next time.
