Friday, March 25, 2011

I joined....

The GYM...
That right there reads
{it's blurry because I was actually walking and taking the picture}
11.0 incline at 3.6 speed...
I do the treadmill every day...
I pass the time by reading my nook and listening to music...
I follow the treadmill with the leg press, hip abduction machine, 2 different leg machines, arm weights, and 60 sit ups on the stability ball...
I've been going strong since the second week in March...


  1. Hurray for you...keep up the good work!

    Don't you love your Nook?!


  2. good for you! i had major back surgery last summer and after 8 years of pain, am finally allowed to work out again! i started around december/january, and boy, its been a rude awakening trying to get back in shape!

    good luck!

  3. That is great!!! Keep up the good work!!!

  4. You are doing great!! I need to start exercising and Jackson reminds me of that daily-little turd!!!!

  5. WOW!!! I am so proud of you. It feels absolutely wonderful to spend all that extra energy, or gather up some new energy that exercising is "supposed" to give you!! You have inspired me to get my hiney in gear again...
    Enjoy yourself!
    ~TinaW :)

  6. Yeah Jenny! I wish I could be there so you could show me how to use the machines. I need it! So proud of you! Lori

  7. You rock the casbah! Go Jenny!

  8. That is awesome. we must be thinking alike. I just joined a gym this week! What!?! I am super psyched on it, too. Keep it up!

  9. That is awesome. we must be thinking alike. I just joined a gym this week! What!?! I am super psyched on it, too. Keep it up!

  10. Ummm so did I! I have been going for about 3 weeks now and lost 8 lbs...I figured that if I pay I will no excuse but to go and now I am feelign so much better...still have a ways to go but I want to be healthy and sitting on my booty was not getting anything done.

    Good Luck on your quest!

  11. Try the eliptical. It's great and much easier on the knees. Kudos to you for getting up and moving. It's good for ya. I'm doing it too.
