Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Elephant Ears for Breakfast ( The Recipe )

Elephant Ears

  • Bridgford Ready Dough { 3 pack of white loaves} in the frozen food section

  • Butter

  • Powdered Sugar

OVER NIGHT preparation required....

I use 2 loaves for my big family, spray an 8x8 baking dish with non stick cooking spray and place your frozen loaves side by side, cover with a light weight dish towel, leave on the counter over night.

The dough will rise over night and look like this in the morning...

Pull off a bit and stretch out (think pancake size)

In a well buttered skillet place your stretched out dough...

flip when golden brown and cook the other side (again like pancakes)

Before removing from skillet put a bit of butter on top...

Place on plate with powdered sugar...

You may use a fork if you would like, I prefer to eat mine with my hands...

Healthy = NO

Fattening = Yes

Delish = Most Definitely....

P.S. This is not becoming a food blog...
It just seems like lately all I do is cook/bake.... hahaha


  1. Uh....
    I'm going to the store now...

  2. Looks yummy!!! Never have heard of that bread, but then again, I've never looked...

  3. P.S. You should have added a little disclaimer that you don't like maple syrup. Freak... ;)

  4. We love these but like you said they are not healthy but oh so delicious. Everything in moderation.

