Friday, April 8, 2011

I Don't Wanna Make Lemonade...

I know when life hands you lemons you are supposed to make lemonade...

But I just don't wanna...

My Thursday went like this...

No sleep for the entire night until 5:30 am for the alarm

to go off at 6:15 am


Find 3 fleas on my WHITE, just groomed dog...

I have a FEAR of bugs like some people fear snakes and mice...

Yes, it's that bad the mere thought of fleas has me breaking out in hives {no joke}

In fact my fear of bugs is so great I didn't agree to get a dog until 3 years ago only because I found out you could litter box train them...

YES, our dog is box trained and DOESN'T go outside period.

I found fleas in Feb. I use Frontline drops on the dog and our indoor cats.

In March I used Advantage drops on the dog and our indoor cats...

and NOW this...

What is going on I vacuum EVERYDAY, remember I ♥ vacuuming...

So yesterday I gave my dog a pill called Confortis...


The fleas MUST have hitched a ride in on someones shoe or have come through the screen door there are a TON of outdoor cats that hang out around our yard... BOO

Anyone have any suggestions?


Went to turn on my laptop, only to find that it had restored itself to the factory settings and ALL of my files, pictures, and documents were GONE...

My hubby after two hours was able to retrieve my stuff...


My youngest, Tanner came home from school with a note from his teacher, saying that a little girl who sits next to him threw up on HIS back pack...



Thanks for joining in on my pity party...

Here's to a better Friday!

ACTUALLY, I know today will be a good day it's our son

Jeffrey's 12th Birthday!


  1. So sorry you had a bad day. What kind of dog do you have that can be litter box trained?!

  2. Fleas are just bad this year. I'm going through the same thing. The fleas did not die off this winter like they normally do. My cats are almost glowing in the dark from all the stuff I've put on them! We treat the yard too which does help but unfortunately even my indoor only cats are suffering too! I feel your pain!

  3. One of my sayings is "When life gives you lemons - add some vodka and throw a party". . .

    One of the things I love about living in the high desert is - no fleas. However, there are other creepy crawlies so it's not exactly a trade-off.

  4. Oh my...that WAS a bad day! So sorry!! I hope today is much better!!

  5. Wow! Not fun! So sorry... My philosophy on those days is "It could be worse." Probably not what you wanted to hear, right? Maybe the dog's fleas are in the litter box. Let him go outside and they might jump off of him. Who knows?
    Sounds like your day calls for a night out with chips and salsa and a margarita outside on the patio at a Mexican restaurant. That cures everything!

  6. Personally Jen, good lemonade is kind of sweet tasting, and the only thing sweet about your day, was that it was your son's birthday.
    I hope he had a happy one.
    And I hope that somewhere along the line, you got to eat some chocolate and feel some sweet hugs from your guys!
    Here's a hug from me :-> I know, yet again, a day late and a dollar short. Sorry. ;-p

    Seems God was testing you about those notes you had taken in church. I never liked tests. o;-p

  7. Fleas are like the plague! I would think they could be living in your vacuum. They don't die easily, I combed our dog when we had the plague, :) and flushed each one down the toilet. I'm no expert but I would clean out the vacuum or see if you can put flea killer powder in or something to make sure no eggs or bugs are in it and redistributing themselves!
    On the bright side, I hope your upcoming week is better!

  8. Oh man, my Friday was bad too! Here's to a fresh start this week!

  9. You'd better move!! Hahaha!! But seriously, hope everything looks up soon...

  10. Oh! This is one tough day. I hate all bugs too and I totally lose it when I see them. We have two dogs, one is a long hair husky. They are constantly outside but it's still cool enough that I haven't found any fleas. I hope your day got better.

    Happy Birthday to your son.


  11. the confortis stuff works for our dog, we had fleas terrible and tried all kinds of meds from the vet and home remedies.
    The confortis is a must have, just like the heartworm preventer, for our dog and for my peace of mind
