Monday, April 4, 2011

Messy Desk...

You might have to click on the pic to read the notations...

I am Jenny,

a pack rat sometimes my sister

and a couple of my sons refer to me

as a hoarder...

I am reaching that point where I have had enough of this clutter,

as a crafter I can find use for just about anything...

I guess my desk wouldn't seem too bad if it were in an office, it's not...

This MESS sits in my FAMILY room...

Somethings gotta change...

I guess it's time to start SPRING CLEANING...


  1. I feel the same way. Started this weekend. Have three bags for Goodwill already. It feels good to purge!

  2. Have you thought of making a decorative screen in front of your desk, would keep prying eyes away, or when all else fails a color draping sheet has be know to hide the clutter. I can totally relate, except I have two rooms side by side, one as an office and the other my sewing room and I can't keep them organized. If fact tonight my husband said I need more room. Short of buying a new house there isn't any. Good luck !

  3. I have seen WAY worse! Our "office" was a DISASTER from the time we moved in 2 years ago until Darren cleaned it out about 6 months ago!! Your mess is at least contained to just a desk! LOL!

  4. Hi Jen :->
    When I saw this posting yesterday, I first started chuckling, wondering what you would think if you saw my desk in it's current condition. I blame a combination of my vertigo and the 'ole "I stuck it on your desk mom".

    Then something else came to mind. Another blog which I recently stumbled upon. 'Daily Organized Chaos' (there is nothing wrong with living with chaos as long as it's organized) ( the blog's owner is Bibi. I thought you might enjoy her by-line ;->

    Once your done with your spring cleaning would you like to fly out here and do mine? Keep in mind that I've been 'Ms. Vertigo' for 14 months now .... and none of my guys are "neat nicks". Drats, you've been going to the gym so I can't even tempt you with chocolate.... o:-p

  5. I feel your pain, Dear Friend, I do...At least the stuff is pretty??
