Monday, June 27, 2011

Stormtrooper Boys T-Shirt

This little guy just turned 4... He is SUPER DUPER into Star Wars, if you ask him who his favorite character is, he'll tell you Stormtroopers... Soooo I thought since I made him t-shirts for his third birthday, he was into guitars then, I could make him a t-shirt for his fourth too...
Now, my nine year old wants a Stormtrooper AND a Yoda t-shirt...


  1. Hi Jen,
    I love the shirt...I know another boy that would love, love, love it too...My hubby...Hee, hee, hee. He is such a huge Star Wars fan. Great job. Have a wonderful new week.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  2. Hi Jen :-)
    I logged on planning to suggest that you make more of these shirts and sell them in your etsy shop, and suggest that you include men's sizes too... then I read Ana's comment and KNEW I should suggest such a thing. ;-p

  3. Great idea for a unique gift!

  4. Great job on that shirt, Jenny!! Too bad you can't "license" them, heh, heh!!!
