Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday "Fotos"

 I had to make this camper pin cushion the minute I pinned it...
It's awesome... (I still need to add the wheels)

 View from my couch... (a happy view)

 Super happy feet, my favorite combo gray and white polka dots...
Hubby surprised me with these... L.O.V.E. him...

 Homemade play-doh... Soft, squishy, and warm.... 

 One of my favorite Back to School pins... No flowers, so I used 
vintage rulers, scissors, and paintbrushes...

 Lots of babies (pink ones) in our lives... 
Baby shower gift a zipper diaper and wipe holder.

 I could NOT pass up this necklace... I can't wait for fall...

 Frappes at least twice a week, BUT I have switched to non fat...

 Kiss text message to my hubby...
Did I mention I L.O.V.E. him?!

Wanted to take flowers to my neighbor, my hydrangeas were looking pretty sad, 
so I painted a mini Katie Daisy inspired canvas...


  1. Love all the goodness...especially your Cali loves Ga hoop art. Wish I could find mine. :/ Your hair is getting loooonnnggg.

  2. How fun!!!

    The camper is super sweet...and the polka dots are adorable....
