Sunday, March 7, 2010

Make your Cricut mat sticky {again}

Last week I saw this on the web. If it's you who taught me let me know, so I can give you credit!
To save a few bucks, you need a Zig 2 way glue pen, wide tip I got mine at Michael's (it's $6.49, so use your 40% coupon).

Rub your mat with it, allow to dry about 15 minutes and you are good to go!
* Edit to add someone informed me the cricut message board also shares this tid bit.


  1. THANK YOU.... you are so wonderful to share this info!!!!

  2. Hello there~ You may of saw it at Imperfectly Beautiful Amanda talked about this. That is where I saw it, I still have to and will FOR SURE DO THIS FROM NOW ON!

  3. great tip! I'll look for this at Hobby Lobby

  4. Jenny, one thing I've found is just washing the mat from time to time. I coat it with soap (usually dish detergent), let it sit a minute, then use a nail brush or other soft scrub brush and give it a good scrubbing. That gets paper bits off the mat. Then I rinse well and let air dry overnight. ***Do NOT dry with a towel or cloth!*** This really helps to prolong the life of your mat! I read about this in the forums on the Cricut website.

  5. Great tip, thanks!
    God's blessings,
    Sarah :D

  6. That is such a great tip!! I hope I didn't toss my mat already...

  7. I saw this on another blogger also sharing this tip...the bad thing is I haven't even used my cricut yet...isn't that terrible to say.

    Imperfectly something is where I saw it...I think her name is Amanda but I may be wrong but glad you shared it again.

  8. Sorry didn't notice that you had her on the post. At least now I know where to go.

  9. You can also use Krylon easy tack. That is what I do with mine.

    Rebecca of the R&W Gals
