Monday, December 20, 2010

Family Gift Idea Giant Vintage Domino

So I had about 10 of these, that I made and how cool would they have looked all lined up like a domino game... I actually wrapped them up and had them all ready to give before I realized I never took a picture... Emilie let me photograph hers after she opened it, and I unwrapped another one...
These Dominoes are about 20 inches tall...
The reason I am calling it a FAMILY DOMINO ...
I took the parents and the children
and made the number of family members total...


  1. oooohhhh! jenny! Cute!Cute!Cute! idea!! you are so full of great creative thoughts!! Merry! merry!

  2. Love them, Jenny!!! I know your friends love them, too!!

  3. Aaron's mom LOVES the domino... she already requested one with 1 dot on top and 6 on the bottom for her and the grandkids ;)

    GREAT gift... just LOVE it! Thank you!!

  4. cute idea!

    we gave g-parents silhouettes of each the g-kids. they turned out great. my husbands a fine art digital print-maker so each g-kids profile pic was taken and he worked his magic creating a silhouette. but like you i forgot to take a picture of the gift before it was given.

  5. Super cute idea! I love it :)

    Can't remember how I happened upon your blog, but I am enjoying it!

    Blessings :)
