Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Girlfriend Gift Idea...

For the boys girlfriends this year, I made zip clutches and filled them with lip gloss, eyeshadow, Christmas socks, and gift cards...
It was so much fun making them...

On a more Bah Hum Bug note...
My checking account got hacked, and for some Bizarre reason my bank has put through 3 checks that don't even have OUR name on them
totaling over $550.00...
I am so discouraged and saddened by this...


  1. I feel your pain. I just had thousands of fraud happen on my account last month. It isn't fun.

  2. Sorry to hear about your bank account. I have been hearing that a lot lately.

    I LOVE this idea. Great for my daughters friends too. I might steal this idea for next year. And I promise it won't cost you $550!

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. that is terrible jenny! they can't possibly be holding you responsible, can they? there must be a way for them to refund the money to you. i say call and plead with them to find some Christmas spirit in their banker's souls to help you with this.

    i'll be praying for you!

    p.s. your zippered pouches are super cute! i wish i knew how to sew a zipper. maybe this year i'll take that on. :)

  4. Those bags are so cute and I LOVE the contrasting zippers-I know, its the small things!!
    Poopoo on the bank...that is really stinky. They have got to get that mess straightened out.
    Love ya!!

  5. Great fabric choices!!!

    I hope you got your money unfrozen by now! Can't believe how disgusting some people can be!

  6. Those are super cute Jen. Wow, that's a lot of girlfriends!

  7. I am so sorry about your bank account, and praying it will get resolved quickly.

    The pouches are DARLING!

  8. Somehow I had missed this posting. Sorry!

    Those zippered bags are cute! Our daughter-in-love to be would go crazy over them, but our daughter-in-love isn't that big on girlie things ....

    Like Elise said, I too like the contrasting zippers! By the way, you have five sons but more than five purses ... ;-p

    About the bank. Years ago now, I hadn't made the dollar amount clear enough in the little box and the bank cleared the check for a MUCH higher amount than what it had been made out for. Caused all kinds of problems!!! I argued that they hadn't verified it against the written out amount. They said that it didn't matter. I inquired why we had to have that line filled out then? I know they won't cash a check if that line is blank. I finally won and got reimbursed the amount they had taken out over the specified amount, as well as a-l-l of the related bounce fees, etc.. But what a hassle it was. I can't fix your situation, but I can send you a air hug!
