We planned a wonderful wedding with about 75 family and friends in attendance. It was a beautiful FALL day we drove to Lake Tahoe and got married in a little chapel on a hill. It was total and complete perfection. Reception followed on the beach of Lake Tahoe. Such a happy day…
Would you like to guess where a 19 and 16 year old chose for a honeymoon? DISNEYLAND of course… Where dreams really do come true!
It’s been 20 years married today; I am even more in LOVE with “my boy”, Michael… He is the LOVE of my life and we have created 4 beautiful sons, Christopher 17, Johnathan 15, Jeffrey 11, and Tanner who incidentally was born on our 12th anniversary…
Happy 8th birthday Tanner…
For the record Tanner was born almost 4 weeks early and the BEST anniversary gift I have ever received!
I love you Michael with my whole heart.
Thank you for being my EVERYTHING…
My fairy tale…
20 years...wow, that is a testament of your love and God's grace right there. Happy 20th, Spike and Jenny!!
Happy Birthday, Tanner!!
Hope y'all have a wonderful day, you deserve it!!!
Love y'all...
you have an amazing and very sweet story!
my grandmother was 16 when she got married in 1916, Grandpa was 24. They celebrated their 66th annive. just before Grandpa died.
many happy annive. to you!
sorry! typos.
it sounds perfectly perfect jenny! congratulations on 20 years strong. i hope my husband and i can follow in your footsteps.
happy anniversary to your both, and happy bday to your littlest man!
You are an inspiration!
Happy Anniversary! What a wild love story, but I have to ask...Were you married in high school or did you graduate early? Just curious!
Congratulations! I love this look into your awesome story, but I am confused...in your sidebar it says you have 5 boys, but you only list 4 in this post today. Am I missing something?
Ah! I see. Thank you for answering that question...that's cool!! :)
Happy anniversary you two. Love you lots
Happy Birthday Teener, the sweetest 8 year old in the world!
That is amazing! Not many people stay married that long these days and the fact that you were both so young! I married when I was 18 (two months after graduating high school) and we have been married for 21 years now :) and we have 4 beautiful children also. Happy Anniversary!
Aww...Happy Anniversary!
Jenny--Thanks for answering my questions over on my blog. Your parents are very discerning to know that you were ready for marriage at the ripe old age of 16! Hope you had a fun celebration with the hubs.
Hi Jen :->
Charla asked a question I too wondered, did you finish high school? If so, before or after getting married?
I really enjoyed your sharing your romantic beginning with us!! Thanks!!
Brian and I celebrated our 30th this past May. As you know, we too had four sons of our own plus others.
May God continue to use you and Spike for His glory, as well as keep the two of you close.
Sometimes in the middle of an ordinary life God gives you a fairy tale! Yours is an amazing and sweet story! Thanks for sharing it.
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