Hurry Up FALL... {Halloween Craft}
I just purchased the Holiday Crafts magazine from Better Homes and Gardens Creative Collection, inside was the pattern to make these CUTE little "Meeses" or as they call them "Candy Corn Treats" I am not going to lie and tell you they were easy, they WEREN'T... I even skipped some steps and changed a few things, but in the end they turned out cute, and I am pleased... Now if only FALL would hurry up and come!
Super cute! But I need easy- lol!:) Lori
Those are adorable!! I have been looking for things like that for my three year old to help me with. Maybe I will be able to find an easier version. They turned out adorable!! :)
Some cute little mice! Jackie
Those are cute!! I never would have imagined that was what you were making today. NEVER in a MILLION years!! They turned out great!!
Those would be the only kind of mouse I'd want in my house :)
SO cute!!!! Looks like a fun project. :) Visiting from Kimba's party. :)
I picked that magazine up too. Some terrific projects in it, aren't there?! I love the way your 'meese' turned out! You did a fabulous job. I can't wait to try them now!
Candy corn mice!!!! What's not to love!
m ^..^
Super cute!
I picked up that magazine as well and thought about trying these. I'm not sure I'm ready but there are so many cute crafts in there. Great job on the mice.
Super Cute! I am so ready also...tell me what can we do to make it hurry up?
I am like Lori...easy is what I desire so I might have to admire these!
How cute! That makes me so ready for a little cool breeze! I think fall crafts might just be my favorite. Do you have any cute ones that would be easy for little children? Thanks for sharing :)
How adorable!!
What cuties! How very sweet. ;-)
OMG I want to make one! YES YES YES please can we craft? I need to do something!
and yes....HURRY UP, FALL!!!!!
Those are really cute.... I'm ready for Fall as well.
such a cute, cute craft! you did a great job on them.
and after a big electric bill came in yesterdays mail because of running the AC in this summer heat - I am ready for fall too.
Those are stinkin cute!!!!
Those are so adorable! Great job.
CUTE! I will take your word for it and not try them myself; if they were not easy for you to do, they would be near impossible for me!
i read your blog from time to time and i think it's funny that i just posted about fall time today too! great minds think alike!
I will leave this kinda craft for the experts! They are adorable!
I literally chuckled when I read your "Hurry up Fall" header ... In late June when I stopped at Michael's to get the flowers to make a silk coursage, I was shocked to see so much fall stuff already out. That afternoon after I had told a friend about it, she had LOL'd and said, "Cheryl, most people had their fall stuff packed away w-a-y before the first of Feb."
My oldest son got married out of state in mid. Nov. . 2 weeks later was Thanksgiving. 2 weeks later was his cousins wedding. 2 weeks later was Christmas. 1 week later was New Years. 2 weeks later we had a in-state full wedding reception for them - and we stayed with their fall theme - even though here in MI we were in the middle of "SEVERE WINTER WEATHER CONDITIONS". So-o many people commented on how they loved walking out of blizzard type conditions into the warmth of a fireplace and warm fall colors every where ;-}. But by the time I got everything cleaned up, sorted through, packed away ....
can't believe fall is almost here already o:-p
And now son #2 is dating a girl, who L-O-V-E-S fall, and had always thought a fall wedding would be beautiful .... {won't be this years fall though}
Aaak! This is soo cute that I may need to buy that magazine myself! You did a smashing job even if it wasn't the easiest.
these are very cute but I am not in a hurry for fall- we are finally getting some decent weather around here and I hope it lasts a while longer.
Oh my goodness those are adorable. Just as cute as can be. Maybe I won't be afraid of mice anymore :)
I love those Meeses to Pieces!
Those are too cute! I got that magazine too, it made me all tingly inside.
Those are cute!!!!Looks like a fun project. ...That makes me so ready for a little cool breeze! I think fall crafts might just be my favorite..thanks..
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