{my hip into the door to get it to close}
So I removed EVERYTHING from this closet and spent about 10 hours rolling and color sorting fabric, my husband may or may not have took pictures and posted them along with a facebook status update
"Why does my house look like a JoAnn Fabrics"...
Just sayin'
I added a couple wooden crates and started stacking rolls....

These colors make my ♥ happy
Wow! That looks pretty and organized! I think that system might just work. I might have to steal this one if I can ever get around to doing my dreaded closet. Ughhh...
That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen!! You need to get rid of some of it, perhaps send it this way...;)
I agree with Elise...hehehe...or either you need to make lots of things and keep sharing...I love all the ideas you share.
Have a great weekend!
That is a seriously cute way of storing your fabric!
Holy fabric scraps girlfriend! They look great. I'm thinking you need a tube or can to shove in the hole of the "in use" scraps, so you'll actually be able to put them back in place.
You think THIS is ridiculous... she just sent me a Facebook message that she just bought MORE fabric! I <3 my crazy Jen ;)
Looks good! At my house it wouldn't last lol. I organize and then it gets out of control and then I organize again, vicious cycle. :)
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