I have a strong dislike for gel toothpaste...
I read magazines from back to front...
I vacuum multiple times a day...
I can't stand feeling crumbs on my bare feet, hence the vacuuming...
I have three high schoolers {two of which are SENIORS, but not twins}...
I collect things...
I am shaped like a pear, I don't like pears...
I don't like lettuce on my sandwiches but I like to eat salad...
I married my high school sweetheart we will be married 20 years in Nov.
Chocolate Chip cookies are my favorite...
I do my own hair though I love my hair dresser and refer people to her all the time, it's just one of those expenses I cut, but I still PAY to have the dog groomed??
I love to drink ice water at night after brushing my teeth...
I love getting "snail mail" letters, cards, magazines, and packages I ♥ it...
Um that is all I can think of for now...
Got any questions for me??
gotta warn you, when both those boys graduate this year, it will be very, very emotional for you.
been there, done that so they say.
Yeah I have to agree emotional when your two graduate...I have one graduating this year also but my oldest graduated in 98 so it will still be hard on me this year.
I love surprises also...love me some cards...we ought to swap cards for the holiday season.
oops meant to tell you I love your cute little green frog in the jar!
Loving the frog in the jar. I want to vacuum multiples times a day, I just can't bring myself to do it--shame on me--hence the reason I always have slippers on in the house.
Your little frog reminds me of biology class in high school. Cute. Sounds like a "fun" day at the beach. Mimi
It was nice talking to you on the phone yesterday... We used to rack up hours upon hours of phone time. I miss that ;)
A question? Um, I think I know all the answers ;) OH, can you make me a frog in a jar for my classroom when I am a teacher? :)
Question: Can you come to my house and vacuum every day? ;)
I have three dogs and the hair is a bit ridiculous at this time of the year. And I totally pay to have the dogs groomed and it's worth every penny.
LOVE the froggy. Want one!
Love this post. I love getting snail mail, too, and I read magazines back to front. I don't like to feel crumbs under my feet either. I either sweep or vacuum multiple times a day. LOL
I always love a little random. I am with you 100% on the crumbs on the feet. Can't stand it! Dirty feet? Even worse. I do a feet check with my girls at bedtime. You just have to... dirty feet in the sheets is a crime! Now, what magazines do you read back to front. I skim the mag thoroughly and then go through for all of the meaty substance that US Weekly has to offer.
Love these facts about you! I love snail mail too and I did get my tags and extra paper birds which I love by the way. Thanks! How is it that you like banana bread, but not bananas? {Elise told me to ask that} :)
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